God Cares What You Think about Him

Just this past week I spoke to a youth group at Faith Fellowship Church in Wirtz,
Virginia. Just before stepping on the platform, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and told me to emphasize how much we matter to Father God and how much He cares what we think about Him. The verse He gave me was Hebrews 11:6. It says in part, “And without faith it is impossible to please God . . ..”

We have discussed before that “faith” is just another word for trust. Or stated another way, it is a belief that what a person says they will do, they will do. So why is faith so important to God? Why does it really matter to Him? Because it is important to Him that you believe He loves you and that He will care for you as He has promised in His Word.

Imagine this, a parent tells their child that this Saturday they will take the child shopping and buy that thing that their heart has so desired. Now imagine how the parent would feel if the child walked around the house all week gloomy and dejected, saying, “my parent said they would take me to the store and buy me what I want, but I do not know if they really will follow through with it. I am not really sure if they will.” Any parent would be hurt. But imagine the opposite. Imagine how the parent would feel if the child bragged confidently to their friends how good the parent is and what the parent is going to do for them. Obviously this would please the parent.

As our heavenly Father, God is no different. When we act gloomy and dejected, doubting God cares, not trusting in His many good promises in the Bible to take care of those who love Him, He hurts. It assails His character. It as if we are calling Him a no good liar who neglects His children. But just the opposite is true when we believe that He will do what He has stated in His Word He will do. As recorded in Hebrews 11:6, He is pleased with us as any parent would be.

We encourage you this week to lift up your head and walk and talk in confidence regarding your God and the good He has in store for you. Your God cares for you even more and in a better way than any natural mother or father rightly could. He desires that your needs are met (Philippians 4:19) and your desires are fulfilled (Psalms 37:4). Bring a smile to God’s face this week. Yes, it is in your power to do this by simply declaring to God, yourself, and others that you love God and trust Him no matter the circumstances that arise. You are blessed and highly favored our friends.

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