By HeartsofCompassionInternational on
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Have you ever thought to yourself “what difference does my life make to God?” Have you ever wondered how a God so big could or would know you personally? Have you ever felt like just a number among the many followers of Jesus Christ? Have you ever thought “does God really pay attention to me?” I think we all have at one time or another. Maybe you have been waiting on something from God and it seems that He is uninterested. Or maybe you have experienced loss or a tragedy and wondered if God was even paying attention.
I assure you today that indeed God does know your name and is very concerned about your life. The Bible says in Matthew 10:30 that God has numbered the very hairs of your head. He knows every intimate detail of your life, heart, and desires and is very concerned about you living an abundant, fulfilled life.
I was reading in the book of Isaiah the other day and came across a passage that the Holy Spirit had me stop and ponder. Referring to God’s people who were oppressed and struggling, it says: “In all their distress, He too was distressed, and the angel of His presence saved them.” Isaiah 63:9. God wanted me to understand and now I communicate it to you, that when you hurt, God hurts too. When you experience loss and tragedy, God mourns with you. When you have a godly desire, God desires that it be fulfilled. Jesus said in John 10:10 that “I have come that they might have life, and life to the full.”
You do matter to God. God created you to have a personal relationship with Him. He desires intimacy with you like a father with a child. And ever more, there is something that God desires to accomplish that made your existence necessary and valuable. Your purpose caused you to be born. God has an assignment in mind that made you essential. Thus, be of good cheer today. You are important. You are thought of. You are loved.
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