Today, I want to speak to you about your dreams – those hopes, desires, and plans for your life that God has placed in your heart -- and the circumstances in which you currently find yourself. Let me ask you, which are you allowing to control your life, your dreams or your current circumstances? Or put another way, which is bigger in your eyes? The reason for this post is to encourage you to again refocus your thoughts and energies on what really matters, specifically, what God says about your life and future.
God has promised you many good things, so why are you letting your current circumstances stop you from pursuing all that God made you to be. Remember, the Bible clearly states that He is faithful and more than able to do what He has promised you. Remember also that we only see in part. But God operates seeing the big picture. He is working on your behalf in ways that you cannot understand, which is why Proverbs 3:5 tells us to trust in the Lord with all of our heart, and lean not on our own understanding.
Furthermore, Psalm 37:4 says: “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.” The word “delight” is defined as “to give pleasure to or be pleasing to.” Do you find it pleasant when someone keeps asking you why, why, why, when, when, when? Neither would God as it does not show complete trust in His plan. Believe and rest in Him knowing that whatever circumstances surround you will not and cannot change the fact that He is faithful and will do what He has promised you.
In short, the secret to victory is not to just have a dream, but to keep the dream alive. Exalt in your eyes what God has said above what your circumstances seem to dictate. Do as Mary the mother of Jesus did in the Bible when people kept prophesying that her son one day would be the savior of the world. For many years she saw no signs of what God promised her, but she saved up the words in her heart and pondered them. She kept what God had said before her eyes, not her current circumstances.
Lift up your head. Keep dreaming. No circumstance is impossible. The word “impossible” is not even in Gods vocabulary. “For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment” Luke 1:37.
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